Hiya everyone,
On a sunny afternoon, I was discussing about my book with a collegeue at work. She asked a question that drove me down memory lane. "What made you become a professional writer?" she asked.
After elaborating the enitre story behind my writing, she smiled and nodded. "I hope your dreams come through," she said. Now, what did I tell her that made her give such a response? This is what this post is all about.
Firstly, I've been writing for a while now. Though they weren't full stories or plots, I just loved expressing myself with a paper and pen; nowadays with Microsoft Word. So during September 2009, I was watching a fan video on youtube on the two twiligjht stars, together called 'Robsten' and a mind blowing idea hit me. "Why don't I write a different kind of paranormal romance?" I said to myself. At that moment, I had deep feelings towards a friend and former high school mate. I channeled my entire energy in writing a book which would be dedicated to her.
First trialOne morning I called a friend who then informed me about the girl I liked and they guy she'd started dating. it felt like a stake had been pierced through my heart. I could hardly breath for a long minute. Instantly, I switched on my laptop and deleted the book I'd started writing (I was already half way throught the book) Then I went to my university account and deleted the back-up copy from a college's PC. I was really devistated. During the next few days, I was a mess. My life had taken a complete U-turn. I could barely eat or even attend lectures.
Second trialStill depressed, I went over to my elder sister's crib hoping to cheer up. When i told her about my passion in writing and that I'd like to be a full time writer, the respond my sister gave me was heart breaking. "What makes you feel you'll be any better than the millions of people who write?"
This was a wake up call for me, and I left her place more determined than ever. I finsished my novel in less than two months and began editing. However, it took a great deal to forget about the girl I'd lost. I guess what won't kill you can only make you stronger.
Now, I'm at the verge of releasing the sequel of that book(LS: The Beginning) and also a new project I've been working on as well. My sincere hope is that one day, my books will be read and my voice would be heard.